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2023 Q3 chip market report


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SEMI released a report pointed out that the global semiconductor boom has bottomed out in the second quarter of this year, but the inventory removal process is slower than expected, and the recovery of the terminal market is slow, even if the semiconductor output value can increase by 6% quarter-on-quarter in the third quarter, but the overall visibility is still low.


According to WSTS, the total global semiconductor market sales in Q2 2023 was $124.5 billion, down 17.3% year on year, compared with the same period last year, China, the Asia-Pacific region and the United States saw double-digit sales declines in the second quarter.


However, in August this year, global semiconductor sales reached $44 billion, an increase of 1.9% from July, achieving six consecutive months of sales growth, indicating that semiconductor market demand is slowly recovering. SIA said it was optimistic about continued growth in the coming months. Omdia also pointed out that the industry, after experiencing five consecutive quarters of revenue decline, reversed the decline in the second quarter of 2023, and revenue rebounded for a long time.