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NXP price rise, how to see?


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According to the Q3 chip market report of Fuchang Electronics, the overall delivery time of MCU/MPU and other high-end devices in 2023 Q3 is in a downward trend, and the supply situation continues to improve, from the data of NXP, Cypress, Renesas, ST, Infineon and other manufacturers, the delivery time of automotive materials is still long, more than 30 weeks. NXP 32-bit MCUS lead times are 13-52 weeks.


Some people saw that in August, the automotive general MCU FS32 series K142xxx and K144xxx gaps have been greatly reduced, and the out-of-stock status of most NXP products has returned to normal levels. In the second quarter earnings conference this year, NXP made it clear that after two and a half years of supply turmoil, the delivery time of automotive chips has basically normalized and returned to a more normal order mode.

NXP's Q2 automotive applications revenue was $1.87 billion, up 9% year-over-year and continuing to be strong. Q3 is expected to see single-digit sequential automotive growth, continued strong demand from automotive and core industrial businesses, and a few supply shortages through the end of the year. NXP benefits more from cooperation with Chinese automakers than Western automakers.

NXP's input costs will increase this year, so its pricing, including that of the automotive business, will rise. NXP's Automotive processor team has achieved an important milestone for software-defined vehicles. With the S32 platform, NXP is the only semiconductor company to offer a complete portfolio of products to meet the broad processing requirements of the entire computing hierarchy of software-defined vehicles. NXP is uniquely positioned in the automotive sector to make it easy for customers to accept price changes.


NXP's 32-bit automotive MCU is still difficult to replace, with the easing of supply, the current price fluctuations in the market, is a normal price game phenomenon between buyers and sellers.



"There is more demand than shortage." Lin believes that the market is not too prosperous, it is rare to have A real single, everyone wants a share of the pie, behind may A receive demand, find B to help, the result is looking everywhere. In Huaqiang North, one person's demand is sent to five people, and from these five people to 10 people, the demand is amplified out of thin air.


It is reported that the FS32K series inventory on the market in October has been almost consumed, and the demand has increased slightly, the gap has been highlighted, and the spot price has fluctuated greatly, but it also depends on whether the final model and quantity can be matched.

October NXP still did not usher in the traditional peak season, the current market can not put FS32K144, FS32K146 these models hot, there are people in the low price to throw goods, some people hold the spot is still watching, for a long time also naturally willing to throw, so the price can not be like the past shortage of time to rise so fast.

With the healthy level of inventory on the market, demand gradually returns, in addition to NXP, there are also friends who do ADI, domestic chips and other brands to see some increase in demand, although the amount is not large.

NXP in the past lack of growth to return to the balance of supply and demand, the normal flow of the state, overheating and cold market in the past, the chip market to return to rationality, we still have to put a flat mentality to continue to operate.